
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Old email working again

My old email is working again. Thank you gmail.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Going to see some friends

Okay, so this shouldn't be on this blog but I don't care. We are goint to have some company over in the middle of September and I can't wait. I will be so much fun. But before that we are going to California. Which is totally awesome. I can't wait for that either. And even before that, we are going down to Texas tomorrow. We will get in Friday, Help grout Saturday at the Church and then leave Sunday morning with a trailer of my grandparents stuff. We won't get to go to church Sunday morning which is the bummerest thing of all. I so wish we could come but we have to get back to Missouri quickly so that we can set up my grandpa's trailer so that he will be able to live somewhere up here.

And after this, Dead Will will be dead. Ouch, that doesn't sound to well at all. Hope everyone will be having as fun a time as I am these next few weeks. Later.

*Queen, please do not hurt me if I mispelled anything or my grammar was exceedingly bad. I was in haste and had not time on my hands.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

My dying email

Okay, for some reason or other I can not get on my email so I got a new till I can get it fixed. It is darkside.death@gmail.com for any of those that care. Sorry for the inconvience it may have caused.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Little Hannah Hasenmyer

Thermodude & Darkside, this is especially for your sweet mother, who is sadly missing out on our three new babies at church.

And yes, C&C remain the Fairy Princesses of LPBC for the preschool set (which, for those who don't know our church, probably outnumbers the adults in the congregation).

This was last Sunday -- we got to have lunch at the new church building! It's *almost* finished!!

(Hannah is the daughter of Elder Mark and Sister Andrea Hasenmyer. Jenna Elsenbrock is on the left, Lauren Barr on the right; the Big Girl is Caitlin.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Vaya con Dios, Razzman

Please keep Raz Shafer in your prayers this coming year. He called to say he leaves tomorrow for Hillsdale College in Michigan. That's a LONG way from Texas. Same country, different world. While I've no doubt Raz will make friends no matter where he goes, it remains that he'll have to adjust to no Willie & Waylon, no Bar BQ, no real Tex-Mex... and young women with northern accents who will undoubtedly flip over his Texas drawl and his boots... mercy, do pray for him.

I suggested he start a new blog so we can keep up with him better... and so he can begin developing his base to run for president. ;-) He promised he would.

(Photo taken May 2005, picking around on Claire's otherwise rather lonely mandolin during a weekend at our house)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I could edit the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright people! Listen up!

I am on a campaign. And my campaign is to rid the world of ALL email-style abbreviations. You know, those horrific, vile corruptions of the English language such as lol, btw, gtg... you get the drift.

There are practical reasons for this. People will take what you write more seriously, and treat your words with more respect, if they are written properly, with a thought as to the ordering and grammar of the sentences. There is no better way to signal that you do not care whether you are writing well than to use email-speak. And this is inconsiderate of the person you are writing to-- it shows that you do not care enough about them to take the time to write well and correctly. And why choose to write incorrectly? How lazy.

Long have I sat by idle, while our noble language was being mercilessly attacked by those careless souls who were only concerned with speedy communications, giving no thought to higher things such as felicity and elegance of composition. People who use these horrid abbreviations only want to get a lot of words in a little time and space, and they sacrifice the English language to do so. These are usually the same sorts who use little or no punctualization or capitalization in their emails. I will not name names. I only implore you to end this injustice-- let words be the elegant, expressive things they were meant to be. It will only take you 1-2 more seconds.

Friday, August 12, 2005

My Last Day

This is my last day at my character-building job. Being well-paid for doing almost nothing may be fun for a week or two, but four months of pretending to be busy gets very old. But now I am free! I have my last paycheck, and at 5:00 precisely I shall leave this place, never to return. I am sure I learned something here, but I am not sure what. Probably when I am old and grey, it will hit me and I will be grateful. But for now, all I feel is a great sense of relief. "Rejoice with those that do rejoice." Romans 12:15a

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Another great one from HH


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


This is to prove to Darkside that a picture has been taken of him, and a good picture at that.

Monday, August 08, 2005

And you think you've had a bad day.

This story was emailed to my dad from a friend. (it will be a shorted version however).

A man rolls his motorcycle into the kitchen from the patio to clean it. He gets some rags and a bowl of gasoline. After he cleans it, he sits on it to make sure everything is alright so he starts it. It however starts in gear and crashes through the glass door onto the patio. His wife runs in and sees her husband lying there cut pretty badly so she calls an ambulence. They come and pick him up and take him to the hospital. She proceeds to clean up the mess. To get rid of the gasoline she tosses it into the toliet. The husband comes home that night, greatly stitched. He goes into the bathroom lights a cigarette and sits on the toliet. He then tosses the cigarette into the toliet, which promtly explodes because the wife didn't flush it, flinging him through the bathroom door. She ran into the bathroom because of the noise and her husbands screams and called an ambulence again. The same two paramedics come and pick him up. They lift him on the stretcher (he had severe burns on his rear end) and caries him to the street. One paramedic asked the wife what had happened. She told him and the paramedics laughed so hard that they dropped the stretcher and broke the guys collar bone.

And you think you've had a bad day.

LOTR Field Trip

boy, did we have fun! we sang songs in the afformentioned crowded elevator-great scot temporarily confiscated jacob's ipod because it had ashley simpson on it-on the way back mama let us listen to all of jacob's strange but fun music-she said that anyone who likes her little boy can listen to anything they want in her car-by the way jacob, the seat where you sat smells like cologne-we ate at a marble-slab creamery-sang happy birthday to fa-so-la-la-sang happy birthday to the Queen's brother-after the chris and jacob left, we had a caylin(sp.?) where we all had to entertain one another-great scot and spuddy buddy sang take me out to the ballgame-irish question did bob dylan while we all did the wave-pippi longstocking did her "i'm coming nell" routine-the beehive kids did an early dixie chicks song, re-written-we brown kids did salty dog-the c.p. and i did our special song-many other antics took place-for details on the actual exhibit, you will have to go to the bird and baby blog-

Sunday, August 07, 2005


[Click to enlarge]

I've uploaded lots more pics from Caitlin's 3-month-late Sixteenth Birthday LOTR- Roadtrip-to-Houston-and-Ceilidh-Extravaganza at www.beehive.smugmug.com.

It was a mondo beyondo fun day, but one of the most memorable moments was when we left the museum and got on an elevator in the parking garage to get to our cars on the very top floor -- and all FOURTEEN of us crammed into one small elevator. One of the little guys started mumbling "Share the Well" and of course ALL of us immediately started singing it, in harmony, realllllly loud... with Papa Eric Brown pounding out some pretty spicy and precise percussion on the elevator walls with his hands and Papa Dan Bruce enhancing the effect with his stomping feet. Then the door opened on the third floor... and we were suddenly aware of a crowd of mighty bewildered folks standing there gaping at us. We were quite a spectacle, I'm sure.

Needless to say, nobody got on with us.

To paraphrase the immortal words of Hobbes to Calvin, "We're here to make your life just a little more surreal."

What It Looks Like From This Side of The Screen...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Assignment for August 4th, 2005

Alright all you lovely people, your assignment for today is to go learn #137 in the PBH, also known as either Resurrection Scene or Triumphant Wing depending on whether you look at the title or the tune name. It's a frightfully cool song. Bro. Bryce wrote it, which means it is original and has these wonderful, fascinating, unusual chords and harmonies. It is old and new all at the same time, like all really good hymns. The words are excellent, and for those of you who learn the tune before you get the words down and want to sing it anyway, it can be sung quite nicely to the words of I Would See Jesus. I want more people in my life to know this song! Enjoy it.

I'm Back

Not that any of you care, but if you do...I have recovered my sanity. I love Alabama. I love Mississippi. I love Tennessee. I even love Missouri, for the sake of friends. I am not even pushy about the supremity of the state of Texas today. Enjoy it while it lasts. God's in His heaven, all's right with the world.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Friends who are dear
will help shed a tear
with laughter and hope
they cure our fears

They sit there and laugh
with you speaking still
only to look
you in the eye
and say how happy they are
to see you again

Friends who are cheery
but not a bit leary
or curious not vain
are better than rain

They shine like the sun
to all those around
give brite hope and happiness
even when there is none

I have a few
of these friends so dear
I love them like brethren
especially when here.

Charish the friends that you have.

Tired of Alabama

Don't take me wrong, I love the people from Alabama. I am just tired of seeing the letters a-l-a-b-a-m-a all in a row over and over again. Since none of this is making any sense, let me elaborate. I am a secretary at an insurance office, and all day long I have been checking lists of people to see is they are pre-approved for some insurance gobbeldy-gook. In this process, I must type in their address, including the state. You see, alphabetically, Alabama is the first Every Single Time. Over and over I must go down the list to Texas. It gets old very quickly. a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-a-l-a-b-a-m-a-........................

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ambleside Conference

Aunt Lynn and all the other Ambleside ladies did a terrific job. For those of you who don't know, Ambleside is a homeschooling curriculum/method, and Aunt Lynn is one of the Advisory Board. Me, Kathryn, Caroline, Morgan, Maggie, M.J., Caitlin and Claire, with a few other girls, donned Ambleside t-shirts, and helped backstage. We cued the speakers, fixed the food, passed out lunches, and generally had a very good time. All of us, plus Sister Joy and my mom spent the night in ONE hotel room. TEN people in ONE hotel room. Very crowded, but very fun.

BEEing silly here at the BEEhive....

The conference the Queen "threw" is over. I can't say that I'm not glad its over, because I am. But then, I also can't say that I didn't have a good time, because I HAD SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!

Fa-so-la-la and I stayed in one hotel room with the other helpers (IthilienPrincess, PippilotaLongstocking, Faintly Macabre, Marjoniqua, Peachy-keen and their sister MEB) and Aunt Carol and Aunt Joy. It was so much fun...the Screebees2 girls and the Beehive girls stayed in the hotel together for four days and the Brown ones stayed one night... every night we stayed up late talking, playing games, and watching movies on MEB's laptop. Friday, the day before the conference, we went to the mall with the Screebees2 girls and had a ton of fun.

The next day, we had to get up EARLY and go out to the church that the conference was at and set up. Then people started coming! Peachy-Keen, IthilienPrincess and I were in charge of the registrations, and Ithilien and I then had to run to the side of the church to give a fully costumed Charlotte Mason her cue. Then we went on to sell t-shirts, sing hymns, prepare food and hand out lunches.

On the whole a fun day. My ankles still hurt.

Then we went back to the hotel with the Brown-ones and played Apples-to-Apples. The next day we went to church, and the singing was wonderful, due to all the added voices, though we could have used a few more basses HINT HINT thermodude and darkside.......

The Browns left, and we went to the Beehive for lunch. After lunch, we got out the dress-up and put on crazy outfits. I had on a black wig and a ballgown reminiscent of civil-war times, MEB had on Spuddy-Buddy's armour (sword and all) and a blond wig and a hard hat, Fa-so-la-la wore a teal sweater from when she was four and a bright red 80's frump-woman skirt, Peachy-keen wore a 50's hat and a silver cape, and Marjoniqua donned a blue dress and hot pink sequin covered mob-cap, and we then paraded up and down the street, recieving many odd looks from old ladys driving past.
Then the five girls went out to dinner in 1950's hats, and then went and bought ice cream to eat in the hotel.
Marjoniqua and I went into the hotel wearing our wigs, and, under the quizzical eye of many, proceeded to do a prepared skit in the lobby (Me: "Yes, I'm giving my hair to Locks of Love." M-J: "Me too!" MEB: "I work there! Just let me cut your hair now and I can take it to work tommorow!" M-J and I "OK!" We then took off the wigs and handed them to her. We got a few stares. I can't imagine why.).

So, as you see, we had a great time.