
Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you see a childs face light up and wake up to a happy new day.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Happy Birthday!!

In commemoration of the birthday of one of the greatest writers of all time.
Here's to Jane Austen, a master of language.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Welcome to the new H.H. site. Well, not really new. just the address. Hope you find enjoyable as always.

Update On Links

I have updated the links. Hope everyone is satisfied.

Then Emily said...

GO LOOK for yourselves!!!

Woooo and indeed HOOOOO, Miss Emily!!!

(We love you!)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My First Post Ever

I have done it! I am actually posting! (bowing to tumultuous applause) Thank you, thank you!
Fa-Sol-La-La told me to post this on whatever blog I can use so here I am (though this does all seem somewhat self aggrandizing).


things I want to do before I die:

Sing in Handel's Messiah

Go to Scotland

Meet George W. Bush

Learn Italian

Turn a cartwheel

Ride a train across England

Read the complete works of Shakespeare

things I cannot do:

Turn cartwheels

Love beets

Whistle through my teeth

Run a marathon

Write cursive

Handle mullets

Bungee jump

things that attracted me to my spouse (hypothetically):

He loves to laugh and makes me laugh

He is a man after God's own heart

He sees the beauty in the little things that are all around us

He can chop firewood

He wears a fedora

He is a true gentleman

He is as honest as the day is long

things I say most often:

Oh my stars!

Good heavens.

Whasa wrong Wacky?

Ya gotta give a little to take a little.

...it's absolutly fabulous!

It's my birthday.

Now get along!

books I love:

Jane Eyre -Charlotte Bronte

Little Women -Louisa May Alcott

Winnie the Pooh -A. A. Milne

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe -C. S. Lewis

Anne of Green Gables -L. M. Montgomery

David Copperfield -Charles Dickens

Persuasion -Jane Austen

movies I could watch over and over:

The Sound of Music

Henry the V (1989)

Pride and Prejudice (1995)

Little Women (1949)

Sergeant York

It's A Wonderful Life


people I want to tag

Mama RachelRachel

Tommy Sacran


Joe Black




Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Pooh looked on admiringly.
"I'm just saying 'A Happy Birthday,' "said Owl carelessly.
"It's a nice long one," said Pooh, very much impressed by it.
"Well, actually, of course, I'm saying 'A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh.' Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that.'"
"Oh, I see," said Pooh.

Happy birthday and many happy returns, Sistah-Frien' Girl!

May the next year be filled with many happy times.

Thank you for being my best friend, fellow-dweller in the Leaning Tower Of Pizza, staying-up-late buddy, guinea pig, audience, comedian, partner in crime and drama, and general all-round buddy for 14 years. I hope I haven't done you too much harm.

Long live the Sisterhood of Margaretta and Roxanna!

And long live the coolest person I know..... folks, let's hear it for (drum roll)... Claire!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Advantage Moron (inside joke?)

I am now taking advantage of being a member of this blog and posting on it. I hope my stunning silence has not caused any deathy harm to any one. I feel like my time is up now, plus I really need to be studying for a calculus test? good bye. Godspeed.



ps. I request the the title of my blog be updated on the list of blogs to the left. thank you person-in-charge.