
Monday, December 18, 2006

An Encore...

Hello everybody, I am Forty-One.
Most of you know me by my previous alias, Ludwig. Ludwig retired from Blogdom but called his trusty friend, yours truly, to take over the reigns. You will be pleased to know, however, that Ludwig will be behind the scenes monitoring and advising me in my new profession. By direct order from my predecessor, I have made a few adjustments to Shed of Emotions, primarily, just that. It now dons the title "Bakin' a Cake," the significance of which title, you will discover when you visit the blog. While I had intended to make a few more maintanary adjustments before I revealed the new version, certain and unfortunate circumstances, the details of which I will not bother you with, have forced my hand to immediately provide you the information necessary to make the journey to the new site. The addresse, which I had not originally intended to change, but the aforementioned circumstances demanded, is www.abeauchamp.blogspot.com. You may also click here. I, personally, like this more than the other anyway. I hope you do to.
Please spread the word as you see fit, for this information is of utmost importance to any who would like to visit my blog. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

pics from beatrice's birthday