
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

BEEing silly here at the BEEhive....

The conference the Queen "threw" is over. I can't say that I'm not glad its over, because I am. But then, I also can't say that I didn't have a good time, because I HAD SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!

Fa-so-la-la and I stayed in one hotel room with the other helpers (IthilienPrincess, PippilotaLongstocking, Faintly Macabre, Marjoniqua, Peachy-keen and their sister MEB) and Aunt Carol and Aunt Joy. It was so much fun...the Screebees2 girls and the Beehive girls stayed in the hotel together for four days and the Brown ones stayed one night... every night we stayed up late talking, playing games, and watching movies on MEB's laptop. Friday, the day before the conference, we went to the mall with the Screebees2 girls and had a ton of fun.

The next day, we had to get up EARLY and go out to the church that the conference was at and set up. Then people started coming! Peachy-Keen, IthilienPrincess and I were in charge of the registrations, and Ithilien and I then had to run to the side of the church to give a fully costumed Charlotte Mason her cue. Then we went on to sell t-shirts, sing hymns, prepare food and hand out lunches.

On the whole a fun day. My ankles still hurt.

Then we went back to the hotel with the Brown-ones and played Apples-to-Apples. The next day we went to church, and the singing was wonderful, due to all the added voices, though we could have used a few more basses HINT HINT thermodude and darkside.......

The Browns left, and we went to the Beehive for lunch. After lunch, we got out the dress-up and put on crazy outfits. I had on a black wig and a ballgown reminiscent of civil-war times, MEB had on Spuddy-Buddy's armour (sword and all) and a blond wig and a hard hat, Fa-so-la-la wore a teal sweater from when she was four and a bright red 80's frump-woman skirt, Peachy-keen wore a 50's hat and a silver cape, and Marjoniqua donned a blue dress and hot pink sequin covered mob-cap, and we then paraded up and down the street, recieving many odd looks from old ladys driving past.
Then the five girls went out to dinner in 1950's hats, and then went and bought ice cream to eat in the hotel.
Marjoniqua and I went into the hotel wearing our wigs, and, under the quizzical eye of many, proceeded to do a prepared skit in the lobby (Me: "Yes, I'm giving my hair to Locks of Love." M-J: "Me too!" MEB: "I work there! Just let me cut your hair now and I can take it to work tommorow!" M-J and I "OK!" We then took off the wigs and handed them to her. We got a few stares. I can't imagine why.).

So, as you see, we had a great time.


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