Music - 2005
Why, does it seem, most of the music we listen to seems to be from older people. Not saying young people don't make good music but why don't we listen to more music from 2005? Is it not music also? But a different kind. Don't you think? What have we gone to. It seems that some music, such as Rap, is based on saying words in some type of rythme. Not singing. And most of them use improper grammer. Why wasn't Rap sung a long time ago? What is so different? I think we have declined in our standards of music along with our standards in everything else.
well maybe it's because they had cleaner music back then. i dunno. most of the music i listen to is from this year. a/w. i gtg.
foreverlastinglife, at Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:46:00 PM
"Why wasn't rap sung a long time ago?"
I think one reason could be, considering the bad grammer and rude lyrics, back in the day things like this would have been considered very improper in society.
A modern example could be the way we might go barefoot while guests are in the house and think nothing of it. Whereas, 60 years ago this would have been considered very rude to your guests. I think it shows how our culture has just gradually become more and more lax as far as manners are concerned.
GravyGal, at Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:10:00 PM
I'll keep my little bare tootsies, thank you.
fa-so-la-la, at Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:43:00 AM
Gravygal, I think you are right.
What do you mean fa-so-la-la??
Anonymous, at Friday, July 29, 2005 4:04:00 PM
Well, if you think about it, electricty wasn't very popular till the 1950's. You then still have to design all the equipment for playing the music that is made nowdays. So practically, you couldn't have made most of the "new" music.
X, at Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:32:00 AM
I mean that whatever Ems says I like being barefoot!
fa-so-la-la, at Sunday, July 31, 2005 12:32:00 PM
Good point, Darkside.
Fa-so-la-la, I'm not against barefootedness - just making a point. ;)
GravyGal, at Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:25:00 PM
Barefootedness is not a crime.
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:39:00 PM
Thanks gravygal.
X, at Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:32:00 PM
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