I could edit the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright people! Listen up!
I am on a campaign. And my campaign is to rid the world of ALL email-style abbreviations. You know, those horrific, vile corruptions of the English language such as lol, btw, gtg... you get the drift.
There are practical reasons for this. People will take what you write more seriously, and treat your words with more respect, if they are written properly, with a thought as to the ordering and grammar of the sentences. There is no better way to signal that you do not care whether you are writing well than to use email-speak. And this is inconsiderate of the person you are writing to-- it shows that you do not care enough about them to take the time to write well and correctly. And why choose to write incorrectly? How lazy.
Long have I sat by idle, while our noble language was being mercilessly attacked by those careless souls who were only concerned with speedy communications, giving no thought to higher things such as felicity and elegance of composition. People who use these horrid abbreviations only want to get a lot of words in a little time and space, and they sacrifice the English language to do so. These are usually the same sorts who use little or no punctualization or capitalization in their emails. I will not name names. I only implore you to end this injustice-- let words be the elegant, expressive things they were meant to be. It will only take you 1-2 more seconds.
I am on a campaign. And my campaign is to rid the world of ALL email-style abbreviations. You know, those horrific, vile corruptions of the English language such as lol, btw, gtg... you get the drift.
There are practical reasons for this. People will take what you write more seriously, and treat your words with more respect, if they are written properly, with a thought as to the ordering and grammar of the sentences. There is no better way to signal that you do not care whether you are writing well than to use email-speak. And this is inconsiderate of the person you are writing to-- it shows that you do not care enough about them to take the time to write well and correctly. And why choose to write incorrectly? How lazy.
Long have I sat by idle, while our noble language was being mercilessly attacked by those careless souls who were only concerned with speedy communications, giving no thought to higher things such as felicity and elegance of composition. People who use these horrid abbreviations only want to get a lot of words in a little time and space, and they sacrifice the English language to do so. These are usually the same sorts who use little or no punctualization or capitalization in their emails. I will not name names. I only implore you to end this injustice-- let words be the elegant, expressive things they were meant to be. It will only take you 1-2 more seconds.
ShapeNoteSinger, at Sunday, August 14, 2005 7:36:00 PM
How didst I trow it wast thou? Could it be that this is directed at nearly everyone on the Internet, especially the "oh, so Internet savvy" 12 year olds who, for all of their spelling errors and low grammar skills, are very well published, none the less. Ok, so I don't know if I just made some stupid grammatical choices, but I can still call a beaver a beaver 'cause I know it's so.
I see you've noticed that it's not sufficent to merely a good example if you want people to change, ah? Welcome to the club! :D Are you also against "emoticons"?
polemic turtle, at Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:22:00 PM
That's what I left out!
ShapeNoteSinger, at Sunday, August 14, 2005 8:51:00 PM
She gets so pink and charming when she's all riled up like this, which happens seldom enough that we just like to sit back and watch her go whenever we get the chance.
We consider that an evening's entertainment here at the Beehive. We'll share our popcorn if you wanna come watch her with us.
LOL! (ducking)
Lynn Bruce, at Sunday, August 14, 2005 9:29:00 PM
Does she think she can change the Internet? :D This could get interesting.. :P
polemic turtle, at Monday, August 15, 2005 7:10:00 AM
I find it amuseing that the Queen had to force Fa-So-La-La to come back and edit this post...it was full of misspellings, bad puctuation, bad grammar, the works.
Even better: the reason it was so poorly written was that she was, of all things, in a hurry!
Tsk tsk.
"That's what they call ironic."
beatrice, at Monday, August 15, 2005 8:37:00 AM
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fa-so-la-la, at Monday, August 15, 2005 9:10:00 AM
Claire, darling....
Mamadah needed me to do something, so I had to get up from the computer. Now, just why I had the stupidity to hit the publish button then I don't know, but I was not done editing. So when Mamdah found the post (before I had come back to finish editing) she had a cow and fixed everything, making many sarcastic comments while she was doing it. I was fully aware of all the mistakes she corrected, and was fully intending to fix them. She just happened to get there first.
There were also, for your information, only spelling errors, most of them just typos. My grammer and punctuation was fine. Not quite so *AMUSING* as you thought.
So, as you can see, I am innocent of everything except the stupidity of publishing something before I was ready.
As for smilies, I love 'em. They are so cute, except for the ones with horses. Some people will know what I mean. :-&
And no, I do not anticipate being able to improve the entire internet. But it would be nice to rid my inbox of these things!
fa-so-la-la, at Monday, August 15, 2005 9:22:00 AM
Also, it's spelled *punctuation*, not puctuation.
fa-so-la-la, at Monday, August 15, 2005 9:23:00 AM
I don't know if I can take such irony.. :-s
Your revolution is starting to lose steam, Flasolottiedoe! You need to write us another inspirational piece or alas, we'll feel like our leader's crediblity has been.. detracted from, you might say. :-|
polemic turtle, at Monday, August 15, 2005 9:27:00 AM
Oh, ok. I take that last post back. Where did those two new comments come from, I wonder.. You're either fast or my browser isn't caching all of this stuff correctly. Blogspot seems prone to that, you know.
I see you've memorized the "sick" emoticon.. But that's a lot less uncouth than that alleged horse, I guess. Maybe the horse won't end up coming home again.. Who can know it? I know a fine group of concerned citizens that are currently in town who are more than qualified to be picky. I may ask them about the whole horse / sick / sick of horse smiley deals. ;-)
polemic turtle, at Monday, August 15, 2005 9:40:00 AM
Fa. So. La. La.
Once more, with feeling:
beatrice, at Monday, August 15, 2005 1:04:00 PM
Mutual love is observable and I dare say I can hear it as it runs through my fingers. :-)
polemic turtle, at Monday, August 15, 2005 2:53:00 PM
I think the email abbreviations are not all bad. People are just being lazy I think by not wanting to type out the whole thing.
It's not your choice Fa-So-La-La to keep people from doing them because they have become so common that it can't be helped sometimes. You should relax and take a deep breath, and then go sit on the couch and watch the LOTR movies so you'll have something else to think about editing.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:28:00 PM
Yes, you need to calm down and forget all that making the world a better place stuff.. :-P
Well, I, for one, shall attempt to not make my sister stumble however slightly by refraining from abbreviations( By the way, why on earth is abbreviation such a long word? It tends to blow the mind when one considers the absurdity or inperfections in consistency in the words which men create. ), uhhh, in my writing. I mean, it's not that hard and it gives a certain sense of accomplishment when one considers just how much it'd improve her life if we.. *smiles politely* ahem, at least spell correctly. I don't know about the grammar part, but Dictionary.com is your constant friend if you want to sound smart online. ;-) Hmm, there's always more to say when you have imagination, but my fingers are starting to feel as they did when I dreamed the dream of fever, which is not something I want to remember. Cya l8r...... :P Sorry.
polemic turtle, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 2:40:00 PM
Fa-So-La, I understand the point about people not taking emails as serious as they should be because of the abbreviations. Well what if someone did not want there post to be taken so seriously?
X, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:13:00 PM
Hey Darkside, you spell it their not there.
ithchick, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 4:52:00 PM
Yea, Darkside.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:58:00 PM
There are other ways to make people take what you say lightly than to say it incorrectly. But as I said, saying something seriously incorrectly is the quickest way to decrease the meaning and significance of it.
i hop and pray that u will b blesd gr8tly by the Lord i am prayn 4 u.
I hope and pray that you will be blessed greatly by the Lord. I am praying for you.
Which of the above seems more sincere?
fa-so-la-la, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:48:00 PM
You forgot to use two commas and two sets of quotation marks, ithil' 'ess! ;-)
It should have read "Hey, Darkside, you spell it 'their' not 'there'." :-P
polemic turtle, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:52:00 PM
Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance.
--Sam Brown
ShapeNoteSinger, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:23:00 PM
Whatever, I was typing fast and didn't double check my work. I am not so worried about my spelling/grammar as everyone else is.
Fa-So-La, I don't disagree with your point, I was just saying that people you abbreviations to make light of what they say. Sorry for any confusion.
X, at Thursday, August 18, 2005 2:39:00 PM
I think you meant to say youse. ^_^
polemic turtle, at Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:49:00 PM
Yes I was. Again, another typo.
X, at Friday, August 19, 2005 5:08:00 AM
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